Monday, August 24, 2009


My girl starts kindergarten next week. My emotions are going up and down.

We decided to put her in private kindergarten, since we found a school that had a half off discount for first time students and has a great program. Next year she will be in public school - either first grade or have her do another year of kindergarten if we think she needs it.

Tomorrow we are going shopping. For school supplies and some new clothes (she's sprouting like a weed and wearing through stuff.) We are also going to have lunch and go for a bike ride together. It's a mommy - Ellie day!

She also has the opportunity to take the school bus but for now that's too much for us. My little baby is not taking a bus yet. Maybe in a few weeks or months. It works out for me to take her, since Gary works on the way, and we only have one car. I'll be the bus driver and take Gary to work and Ellie to school. Josh gets to go along for the ride. In a few weeks once she's used to school, we'll let Ellie take the bus home. After a while she can take the school bus both ways.

My little baby is going to school.

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