Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ahead of myself

I got a bit ahead of myself. I said yesterday that I don't think I have to know it all to confess, just know that I want to know it. Well, actually I know I would not confess to something I was not fully in agreement to. And to know if I am in agreement to Luther's teaching, I need to read it, or listen to it.

So, study I have started. I have all of The Ten Commandments in audio file, thanks to Myrtle. I already listened to the first one, so this morning I showered and got ready to the second and third one. I waited for Ellie at the bus stop, got lunch ready and did some laundry to most of the fourth one.

Gary sent me an email form wikipedia about quia (because) and quatenus (insofar as) in subscription to the Book of Concord. Lutherans that identify themselves as confessional hold to a quia subscription. Quia subscription (the Book of Concord is adhered to because it is faithful to the Scriptures) implies that the subscriber believes that there is no contradiction between the Book of Concord and the Scriptures. Quatenus subscription (the Book of Concord is adhered to insofar as it is faithful to the Scriptures) implies that the subscriber leaves room for the possibility that there might be a contradiction of the Scripture and the Book of Concord in which case the subscriber would hold to the Scriptures against the Book of Concord.

After reading the above, I decided to do some more research about Lutheranism and doctrine and such online. I found a lot, of which my eyes quit after only reading a small portion. But basically what I found was that Luther was just purging the Roman Catholic church doctrine of unbiblicalness. Can anyone really argue with that?


Claire Boyles said...

Lots of Catholics would be happy to argue about that, I'd imagine. I'm not trying to argue, I personally enjoy very much a world full of divergent scriptural interpretations and think you should go where God calls you, but having been raised Catholic and all, I do know quite a few people who have issues with Luther. Enjoy your studies. Love you!

Becky said...

Really? Catholics would argue against taking unbiblicalness out of their doctrine? Or is it more that they would argue with what Luther had to say about the Papacy? Besides that, I haven't heard any teaching of Luther's that would be offensive. Albeit, mostly all I have really gotten through are the Ten Commandments. And it's good stuff. Thanks. Love you, too.