Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

I am awake and in my kitchen. I am suppose to be in bed happily sleeping. It is currently snowing, has been since 7:30 last night and will continue for most of the day. Before we went to bed, we checked and school was canceled. I was looking forward to sleeping in.

But 5:08 AM saw me stumble out of bed, grope around for my slippers and glasses as sounds of crying and heaves came from the bathroom. Both kids were awake, and Josh was throwing up. He was getting water and somehow triggered his gag reflex, while his stomach took care of the rest. It wasn't much and was contained in the sink or tub. Thankfully no clean up duty. I put them back in bed, saying it wasn't time to get up. Even on a school day it wasn't time to get up.

Somewhere around 5:45/6:00 AM, the natives continued in restlessness, I told Ellie she could put her light on and play with her sticker book, and Josh got in bed with me. [Gary had gotten up earlier to drive his mom to work, since she was still required to come in and her car would not get her there safely, ours would.]

Around 6:40, Josh decided he needed to throw up again, so we headed off to the bathroom. Some water and heaves latter, I figured it was useless to try for more sleep (and I hadn't actually gotten any since the initial wake up,) since the children were obviously quite awake and rearing to go.

Now breakfast is ready, and it's only 7:35 AM. Good Morning.

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