Saturday, October 30, 2010

Commas and semicolons

My mother-in-law asked me proof-read a writing assignment for her English class. She claims that writing isn't her thing, but what she sent me was good stuff. She has a writing gene in there somewhere.

I decided to investigate semicolon usage, of which I haven't been as sure, and brush up on my comma usage. Semicolons have four main functions, and commas have many.

I'm glad I learned a thing or two about semicolons, and I chuckled when I read this sentence about commas: "Some essays look as though the student loaded a shotgun with commas and blasted away." According to that person, commas are highly overused.

1 comment:

Claire Boyles said...

So many unnecessary commas! They are everywhere. You should read the book "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" by Lynne Truss. It's about punctuation, but it's surprisingly entertaining.