Friday, December 31, 2010


We traveled today to meet friends at Red Robin's for lunch than go to the movies. On the way, we planned to pick up a pair of snow pants for Josh.

I thought I packed the kids snow pants in a box that would be accessible once we moved. I was wrong. They are among the other lost things in storage. But as Myrtle pointed out, since they were from last season, maybe they wouldn't fit the kids anyway.

So I looked on line to purchase new ones, which bothered me to have to do. I couldn't find any for Josh, but found some for Ellie for $30.00, but waited to buy them. Good thing. I remembered to check freecycle, and three people responded.

The lady had given us her neighbor's address, but didn't tell us or her neighbor she did that. So of course I couldn't find the house. The neighbor, though clueless to what I was there for, did direct me to a house up the street. Though since I wasn't sure, I didn't go knocking on the door. I wanted to call her, but I forgot the paper with the phone number on it. I tried calling my dad to look on my yahoo email, but he wasn't home, so I called Myrtle. She was able to get it for me. But the lady didn't answer, so we left and continued on our drive.

We had a nice time at lunch and the movie, "Tangled." When Josh and Ellie heard we were going to a movie, there was much excitement, and it escalated when we said it was a movie about Rapunzel. They both are enamored with Rapunzel. Gary and I felt the movie was well done. The storyline and the animation. Animation has come a long way since "Snow White."

While we were at lunch, the lady called me back and told me the correct house and that the address she gave me was her neighbor's, since her house doesn't have the address marked. I didn't mention to her that the part about the address being her neighbor's was important. On the way back we stopped at the correct house and were able to pick up the pants.

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