Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Financial Peace

Some people might think that those words do not go together. But they can, if you work at it.

I highly recommend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It is changing our financial lives. And we are teaching it to our kids using Financial Peace Jr.

We bought the online version. We also have workpages and such to complete. And we received a few books, the CD version of the sessions, and membership to attend a in-person FPU workshop, if we want to. We are learning about emergency funds, budgets, the debt snowball, savings, retirement and having a plan for all of this. It is freeing to have a plan.

For the kids, Financial Peace Jr. has the tools for us to teach the kids the value of hard work and commission, giving, saving, and having spending money. There are also fines for when work is not completed or there is unwanted behavior. There are magnetic charts to keep track of all these things. Our kids like the idea of earning money, being able to save for things they want to buy, and having spending money. They do not care for fines.

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