Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The third day

Ellie has been home three days now. Monday, she was still getting over an intestinal thing, but yesterday and today have been snow days. And I wouldn't be surprised if Friday is as well.

Monday, we didn't go outside, since Ellie was still considered sick, and we did home school, per Ellie's request. Josh wasn't as impressed with the idea of home school.

Yesterday was more sleet/ice than snow, and we watched PBS and did free play.

But today I was determined to get us outside.

We went sledding on the side yard for a while.

We went for a walk with the sled to a bigger hill to sled on. It turned out to not be a good hill for sledding, but the kids did get a sled ride since I pulled them there and back. They also gathered ice and some sticks, since we didn't have enough here at the cabin.

And we managed to make a snowman. He's a little short because the snow (remember the snow is part ice from yesterday) just isn't cooperating in making a large snowman. And I was able to scrounge up eyes, a mouth, and buttons from my grandpop's tool bench.

After Mini-Frosty was finished, we came in for hot chocolate, lunch, and a movie.

And thankfully for my sanity, of the past three days, today has seen the least amount of conflicts.

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