Friday, October 11, 2013

Picture Day

Today was picture day.  I remembered this at 8:25 am, 25 minutes before we were to leave for school.  After the kids were already dressed.  Two days since the kids' last showers.  And before I used the online coupon code to prepay for the pictures.

I started to scramble, to pick the most economical photo package (is there really one?) with the right amount of photo sizes for the appropriate family members, and to let Ellie and Josh pick their choice of backgrounds (they have 4.)

Here is Ellie wearing her shirt.
While doing this I charged the kids with instructions to race upstairs and change into picture taking clothes.  Ellie looked down and asked why her current ensemble wasn't okay.  I thought about it and asked the kids what they wanted to wear.  They both felt they were clothed just fine.  Josh had on a Mater t-shirt.  Ellie had on a shirt with a rainbow and butterflies.  At least both shirts were stain free, a small victory.
Here is Josh wearing his shirt.

I decided to let it be (since going to pick clothes would have taken more time anyway) and went back to picking photo options. 

We got to school on time (another victory) with photo passes in backpacks.

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