Friday, June 02, 2006

I had my next prenatal visit today. I got there right on time and was taken into the exam room promptly. My sample, weight and blood pressure were all checked. I was told the doctor would be in shortly. I waited 15 minutes. I was clothed. I was half considering leaving and rescheduling, when the doctor came in. He wrote some things in my file and listened to my baby's heartbeat. He asked how things were going, wrote a prescription for my 20 week ultrasound, and sent me on my way. I think all that took roughly 7 minutes. I see another doctor on my next visit. We'll see what kind of "bedside manner" he has and how speedy he is to show up once the nurse leaves.

Note: If you remember at my last appointment, I had to wait 30 minutes in a paper gown before the doctor showed up. I am not going to be kept waiting that long again.