Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Vacation - A time to get away

On Wednesday night, our parents watched our kids. All us cousins were able to get out for dinner and some walking without our children.

We decided on a Japanese restaurant. We sat around a hot grill and watched our food being cooked. Our chef felt himself funnier than I think he actually was. He also wasn't Japanese. Neither was our waiter. In fact I think I saw more employees who were not Japanese than who were. I didn't expect that.

As I watched him cook, I told my husband that there is something to be said for not seeing what happens to your food before you're served it. He didn't spare the butter or oil. Some things you just don't want to know. I did like the rice, because he added sesame seeds to it. He could have used more, even.

After dinner we walked around the shops of Barefoot Landing. I found two pieces of jewelry and candy and barrettes that change color in the sunlight.

We got back to the house late, but it was an enjoyable night with my siblings and cousins.