Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Vacation - Time with creation

We went to a turtle talk on Tuesday night. Ocean Isle Beach, NC is an important beach for female sea turtles. There are many nesting sites, and it is quite the penalty if the turtles are hurt or killed - from $10,000 to $100,000 fine and/or jail.

During the talk, we were informed that turtles were hatching from on of the nests. So, we went back to the house and gathered anyone else who wanted to go see the little babies make their way to the ocean.

It was quite the sight. The babies are smaller than my palm and are very cute. The waddle their way down the beach to the ocean. Since it was quite the trek, the volunteers let them walk a little while, put them in a Styrofoam cooler, take them to the water's edge and let them out. The stress repeatedly to be careful stay back and don't move your feet, when you are near the water. They tend to wash in and out with the tide a couple to times before they can get out to sea.

I tried to capture the experience using my camera, but I didn't really get any usable pictures. I wasn't allowed to use a flash. I haven't read up on my camera enough to use it in the dark with minimal light and get a clear photo.

Watching little turtles make their way to the ocean was a very cool experience.