Thursday, October 05, 2006

I have been feeling lately that God has called me to be more involved in my own church's ministries. I had been attending a Bible study for women at my cousin's church, because their was none at my church. They met on the same day as MOPs did at my church. So, I was not attending MOPs. This year I felt God calling me to attend MOPs. I also felt that He wanted me to be involved in the leadership. So, I have decided to take on the responsibility of MOPPETs coordinator. I am in charge of the childcare ministry of MOPs.

I watched two DVDs about MOPPETs and leadership positions in MOPs yesterday. They helped a lot, and I am all excited for my new role. I have to get planning, though, so I am ready for our next meeting.

I am missing the Bible study with others that I had lsat year. But there are two women in my church who want to start something, so I am hopeful.