Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I have been getting a certain kind of spam email for a while now, and frankly I am tired of it. I don't know what to do about it, and interestingly, the email that comes is not always my address, yet there it is in my inbox.

I emailed Verizon today about email abuse. Fat lot of good that did. I got a canned email message saying that someone might look into it and get back to me it they need more information. I was not to count on anyone really helping me. They gave me some web sites to check out for email blocking and such. When I followed the instructions to do that, the menus they talked about were not available. So I called Verizon. After much ado, I was informed that the links I was looking for were being updated and would not be available to view until Nov. 5th. I wasn't about to keep getting these email spams at least 7 times a day until then. I decided to delete the email address they were attached to, and I created a new one.

My new email address now corresponds to my Creative Memory business.