Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What is stewardship? Taking care of that which is entrusted to us.

God has entrusted to us His creation. What are we doing with it? We are exploiting it, using up the resources, polluting it. Well, some of us humans are, anyway.

I am trying to do better. I recycle, I reuse, I reduce, I conserve, I am teaching my children to do the same. Today I talked on this topic at my MOPS meeting. I feel I did a fair job of painting a "be a good steward" picture. I received good feedback. There is so much I could have said, so many more ways to help the earth. I gave suggestions, but really each of us has to find the place where God wants us to make a difference.


I started watching Kaila yesterday. She is such a little peanut at 6 pounds. She slept the entire time (3.5 hrs), with nary a cry for food. She showed her eyes a few times then settled in for more sleeping. I guess when you're 2 months and 6 pounds, you have some growing to do. Her mother, Stephanie, said that maybe she'll be more alert in the afternoons. I watch her again tomorrow afternoon. We'll see.