Monday, April 07, 2008

E ~ How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love to snuggle with you and breath deep of your smell. Your laughter is music for my ears. You never tire of sending me inquiries of the world around you. You wrap your little arms around my neck and hold on tight. I love to sit quietly with on my lap and be close. I can never give you enough kisses. I love your attentiveness to your brother. You like to help me do tasks around the house. You want to be read to. You are my special girl.

J ~ How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love you snuggle with you and breath deep of your smell. I love to watch you explore, looking to me and saying with your eyes, "Look at this, Mommy!" Your chatter is endless. Your little hands are learning to give hugs. I can never give you enough kisses. I love to hold you and feel your head on my shoulder. You point and ask "What's that?" You find great pleasure in simple games. Your giggle is infectious. You are my special boy.