Sunday, April 20, 2008

I just returned from church. The program was presented by the Post Abortion Counseling Center. It saddens my heart that such a ministry is even necessary. One of the woman from the center presented "The Silent Cradle." It was her story of guilt, grief and forgiveness.

I don't know every woman's story. Why she makes abortion her choice. Why she doesn't choose life for her child. The grief it causes her.

I hastily say, "If you don't want the baby, give it up for adoption. There are plenty of couples who want to adopt." At least I used to say that.

Giving up a child is no easy thing. I look at my two children, snuggle with them, and I can't imagine holding them only one time, if that, and then never seeing them again. Never seeing those eyes look up to me in wonder or never hearing their little voices call to me.

The question of giving up a child, has given me pause. With going through IVF, G and I have more embryos than the number of children we wanted. Therein lies my choice. What do we do with our extra embryos? The only two options I'll even consider are to continue having children until we use all our embryos or to let them be adopted. And right now, I am not in a place where I can give them up. I see them as my children. They are a part of me. How can I let anyone else have my children?

So, now I don't quickly say just give up your baby, since I can't even think about giving up my child I have never carried.

But abortion still is an issue. For there are countless women who feel like their only choice is abortion. It might seem like the easy way out, but there is no other choice that will grieve you more than ending the life of your unborn child.

And no matter what choice a woman makes, God is there. Through Jesus Christ, He offers unconditional love, grace and forgiveness.

Life is a precious thing.