Friday, April 18, 2008

I have had it will E wetting her pants. The floors are sparkly clean in front of the toilet. There is a pile of four pants and underpants from just today, not to mention the other pile soaking from yesterday. What is her issue? It is driving me crazy.

I had to go pick up a prescription today, so I checked out the diaper aisle. I am loathe to buy diapers for my child who was potty trained, but I am also frustrated with her five outfits a day and cleaning the floor.

The token system is working fairly well with E in the earning department, but she hasn't really altered her behavior when in danger of losing them. That may be in part because she and I don't remember to ensure her redeeming them on a regular basis.

I am also frustrated with the curiosity J now has. He is into everything. He is constantly climbing up the stairs. He climbs on E's desk. He pulls thing off the desk. He empties the basket of twigs. The books on the shelf in the kitchen are not for reading, oh no. They are for pulling off and scattering. Once sufficiently in a two foot radius around him, might one be ready for perusal. The books on his shelf in his room are much better for reading. His favorites right now are The Little Engine that Could and The Very Busy Spider. And he doesn't like to linger on a page, mind you. In fact, I think he mostly enjoys turning them, not hearing what's on them. Many a book has been abridged in our house while J is in charge.