Friday, March 13, 2009

A Phenomenon

I have witnessed a phenomenon on several occasions upon rocking and putting my son down at nap and bed time. I already knew he just loved sucking on his blankie. But until recently I did not realize there was a precise way it had to be in his mouth. Oh no. He can not just stick it in his mouth. It usually takes at least 3 times to find the right way. He has on occasion had trouble determining the best way and has been quite put out. He has even attempted to enlist my help, but after trying to help once and failing, I tell him he has to find it himself. When he does locate the perfect blankie sucking spot, he settles his head on my shoulder and snuggles in. The entire process is most precious and humorous to watch.

Tonight it took him four times trying and upon finding the right way, he pointed to his mouth as if to say "I found it, Mama!"

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