Sunday, March 08, 2009


We have never had such a gush of soap from our dispenser as we have now with having replaced the inside parts. Watch out dishes!

I believe I have found an adequate deodorant. It is a liquid crystal roll-on. I could do without the wet application, but it does fairly well at odor protection. My next foray into more natural is shampoo and not washing my hair as often. I have heard it is better for hair to not be washed every day. Although I wash it every other day, I might try longer between washings.

We received adoption information today from Bethany Christian Services. We are researching information about adoption with no plans to move forward in the near future.

Ellie has announced she will be a doctor when she grows up. She has already practiced many times on Gary and me and enjoys being practiced upon. She is a firm believer in many shots.

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