Friday, March 20, 2009

Two changes of one plan

It was all set. Leave for the cabin on Friday afternoon. Stay until the next Saturday.

I neglected my friend Wednesday night. I am deeply sorry, Myrtle. She has worked over 40 hours in four days. Way too much for her. Thursday night , completely overwhelmed, Myrtle called. All the working and trying to pack was too much. She decided it was better to not come.

So today, I packed for just the weekend. Gary, the kids and I were still going to the cabin for the weekend. This afternoon after much sleep and reading a letter from me, she concluded that not going to the cabin was a poor decision. So, basically she frantically started packing to leave by 6:00. I had to rethink what I packed and grab more food and clothes for 6 more days.

She is currently en route to my house, Gary is currently en route to the cabin with the kids, and I am just waiting.

But we are still going to get our week away in the little cabin in the woods.

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