Sunday, January 10, 2010

A bit of this and that

Today I am wearing my fish oil pants. I am quite pleased that the odor is gone. It took many treatments, but they are wearable now.

Also, I am also, hopefully, able to wear my leather brown shoes again. They hurt my feet whenever I wore them, so I hadn't been wearing them. Not long ago it occurred to me that they could be stretched, since they were leather. I took them in to our local shoe repair place Tuesday and had them back Saturday. I tried them on and could tell they were looser. I am not wearing them today since I am in slippers all day.

The reason for that is because Josh is just getting over a cold, and we didn't think we should share any germs he might still have with the other children in the twos and threes room at church. So instead I told Josh about Jesus helping Peter and friends to catch a boat load of fish by throwing their nets on the other side of the boat after they were out all night and hadn't caught anything. Then the story of when Jesus calmed the storm. Then we watched "Dave and the Giant Pickle", and two "Real Trains" videos.

I also made our dinner of ham and bean soup to sit and cook all day in the slow cooker, and I started a batch of bagels. The bagels of yesterday are a different story.

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