Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ellie giving to others

I was quite stunned and touched, today, when I went in Ellie's room at the end of rest time. The scene that greeted me was Ellie on her bed with the contents of her piggy bank seemingly in piles around her. She informed me that all the shiny coins (quarters, dimes and nickles) were for Ester. Ester is the girl we sponsor through World Vision. She also took the shiny pennies and added them to the pile for Ester.

Last week we received a letter from Ester, and it apparently piqued Ellie's interest, so we told her about Ester. A few days ago she took it upon herself to draw Ester a picture.

At dinner we told her about the devastation in Haiti. We tried to explain what an earthquake was and how much need there is there. We asked if she would like to send her money there instead. She agreed to send some there but really wanted to give some to Ester too.

I love that she decided to take her money and help others. Saturday we need to take her to the post office so she can mail her offerings.

Seems small to worry about boots now.

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