Monday, January 11, 2010

The scoop on the poop

It seems that not having dairy has helped Josh. His little bottom has not hurt, and I think his diaper filling has lessened and more is produced when he goes. Though there have been days when it seems like that's not so much the case, like today. I know it takes about 2 days to see the results of having cow milk. I can't recall him having any dairy, but it's still a new experience with not giving hin dairy, that I very well may have accidentally given him some. They sometimes sneak milk into things where you might never expect to look.

The best option for plain milk is the lactose free milk. He has a like/dislike relationship with it. One night it's the bee's knees (whatever that means), the next he gags it down. He is just fine with goat cheese and yogurt. Though the cheese has to be cut in the correct shape. I cut it differently once, and he wouldn't eat it.

In case you were pining away about the meaning of the above phrase - "The Bee's Knees" is a term indicating excellence - the highest quality, because bees carry pollen back to the hive in sacs on their legs. The allusion is that the concentrated goodness is found around the bee's knees. It became popular in the U.S. in the 1920s.

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