Friday, April 29, 2011

The princess inside

Prince William and Kate were married today. The event has intrigued me. I feel compelled to watch the coverage, to find out information. Kate is now a princess.

I think that there is a small part inside each woman that wants to be a princess. It's inside girls as well, but is much more obvious and they are less inhibited to let others know.

I also think that the part of me that wants to be a princess is the reason for the fascination with the Royal Wedding. And even looking up other royal stuff.

I am a princess. I may not have a title, but I have a family and friends that make me feel like a princess.

1 comment:

Myrtle said...

Ah, but don't you remember your CS Lewis? I was recently adjured to remember that we are all princesses...for we are daughters of a King!