Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stupid cold . . . again

Back in the beginning of March, I had a cold, that included a fever and such. It turned into a sinus infection. Really, I've been having colds all winter. We all have. More than usual.

So, surprise when I say I have another cold. This one is not nearly as bad. I have no infection, the um, nose stuff is clear, and my nose is not completely blocked. I do, however, have a nasty cough.

Around dinner time I started with the shivers. After taking my temperature with the electronic thermometer and only getting a temperature of 98.6, I pulled out the mercury-but-not-mercury thermometer, which registered my temperature at 100.2.

I am currently on the couch blogging, while the children play make believe with laundry baskets, and Gary makes brownies. I firmly believe brownies will make me feel better. If not help my cold, at least make my mouth happy.

Here you see the kids in their cages, which started out as cars, complete with tires and steering wheels.

At some point the baskets became cages for these loudly meowing cats. In their play, they requested that someone buy them. I paid 1 million dollars each for them.

I got me some priceless cats.

P.S. Gary's brownies are delicious. I feel better already.

1 comment:

Myrtle said...

You know, I am thinking that your family is going to one day look back at this time living in the cabin as truly precious. Life got defined differently and what joy you have all found in small things in your small space up there in the mountains.