Monday, April 25, 2011

Time to get rid of . . .

the candy in this house, or at least stash it where the kids won't see it. The kids have gone way overboard with wanting candy. And other sweet stuff. I need to do something about it.

Also, I am at my wits end with feeding my girl lunches. She likes it, then she doesn't. She eats it, then she won't. Packing her lunch is a frustrating processes. And I really don't like when it comes back home.

The kids like to have a snack after Ellie gets home from school. They want fishies or pretzels. I'd like them to eat something more nutritious. But I can't think of anything, or we don't have anything, or they don't want it, or I don't feel like preparing it.

So my goal from now on with this next shopping trip is to buy more nutritious items, stop my lazy streak and make stuff more appealing to the kids.

Before I search online, any suggestions?


J said...

Take an evening to chop up some fresh veggies and keep them in water in the fridge to stay fresh longer. Then, have another container filled with cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, snow peas, and fun little munchies of that sort. The more variety and color for kids, the better. And, a little side dish of natural salad dressing (Annie's brand is great) helps kids with a little dipping action.
Also, a mixture of unsalted nuts: pecans, walnuts, cashews... you could also mix in some raisins or apricots. (great protein and energy, yet simple)
And, never underestimate plain popcorn (air poppers are super affordable these days and work so well!). It will provide a good source of protein, provides a great munch for kids, and helps fill their tummies, but not too much before dinner.
Apple slices with natural peanut butter are another option.

Becky said...

Thanks J. Love your ideas.