Friday, September 13, 2013

Attic cleaning

Here is Kulp's Spices' new attic space.  I cleaned out the area, put stuff aside for our yard sale (seen in the boxes by the table,) fashioned shelves from things we already had, and alphabetized the spices.  Once all that was done, I remembered I wanted to staple the sheet to the ceiling to make it more room-like (and to keep any parts of the ceiling from falling on the  spices.)  So I carefully moved the shelves out of the way and contorted my body to staple the sheet to the joists. 

Now everything is back in its place and ready for spice bag production.  Tomorrow, we will have hot mulled apple cider at the Lansdale Farmers' Market.   Yum! 

1 comment:

Myrtle said...

Great job, Becky! Would have loved to have photos of the body contorting! :P