Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I got the call

I am pregnant! Thank you for all your prayers! Not just that I would become pregnant, but that we will trust in God's plan for us no matter what it is.

I have more blood work tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully my hormone numbers continue to increase. Two times ago I had a positive result (even though I was bleeding,) but the next blood work showed that the hormone levels dropped, and I wasn't pregnant anymore.

So pray that the levels keep increasing, and the baby keeps growing.

Ellie was very excited when I told her I had a baby in my belly and made it known many times thereafter. Josh really had no comment. I also asked them what we should name the baby. Ellie's response was Ella or Ellie, and Josh's response was cow. We won't be leaving it up to them to name our next child.


Claire Boyles said...

Hooray! Still praying!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! This is such good news. And Ellie is a pretty enough name to have two in the family. Maybe you can name this one Ellie-cow. You know, to, differentiate them.

Either way, congratulations and we will definitely keep praying.

My vote is for Ellie-cow. tho.

Myrtle said...

May your womb continue ripening until we meet your next child. For the record, I have a multi-year campaign for the next daughter to be named Isabel. Then we can have Ellie, Josh, and Belle!