Thursday, February 05, 2009

I have time, but no where to go.

The kids and I have been ill for the past 5 days. It started with me on Saturday with an ever increasing sore throat and a cough, than weakness and a dazed feeling on Sunday. Josh had a cough on Sunday. And since then there have been fevers, coughing, and much tissue use amongst the three of us.

I've had five days of sick children at home all day. And guess what? Tomorrow promises to be another one, with Ellie going to bed with a fever. No school for her this week. Now, she wouldn't have had school on Wednesday anyway, though, because it was a snow day. But I couldn't even take them out to play in it.

Did I mention five days with sick kids and me inside? Let's see, we've watched Bambi (Josh's constant request) numerous times, The Lion King (another Josh favorite,) Tinkerbell, various Veggie Tales shows, an Elmo video on sharing, The Little Mermaid, Prince of Egypt, Curious George and Frog and Toad, Beauty and The Beast, Pooh's Grand Adventure, Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and Christmas, Real Trains for Kids 2. There are probably more, but I think you get the idea. We have played some games and looked at books, but movie watching has been the main event.

One more day until reinforcement arrives. Grandparents are taking the kids for the weekend, while Gary and I go to Abington for our last IVF transfer attempt. We pray the transfer will take place. The embryo needs to survive thawing, than attach itself and grow. Then I need a positive pregnancy test 10 days later. That's the order of events.


1 comment:

Claire Boyles said...

We're praying. Absolutely.