Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Heart

This past weekend Gary and I went to a Shepherding a Child's Heart seminar. We found it to be very helpful in raising our children. I find it overwhelming to try to put to computer blog what I learned, save for that if you want your child's behavior to change, look at what's in his heart. You will probably find foolishness. And read these scripture verses: Proverbs 4:23, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 29:15, Matthew 12:34b. And teach your children godly attitudes, some of which include: entrusting to God, humility, love for others, generosity, peace-making, and submission. And watch for idols of the heart - power, pride, possessions, to name some. We are currently teaching Ellie and Josh this passage: Ephesians 6:1-3.

If you truly want to learn what we have, I suggest these books: Shepherding a Child's Heart and Instructing a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, Don't Make me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman, and the Bible. The Bible holds so much instruction to help you train up your child in the way that he should go - God's way. If you train your child other than God's way, he just might turn from it when he is older.

Thank you Jocelyn for telling me about these books. They have shown me how to use the Word God has given us.

Oh, one more thing. You must have your heart in the right place in order to train your child's heart. You must be dazzled by God, to dazzle your kids.

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