Sunday, May 23, 2010

Luther's Small Catechism

Gary and I have tried, unsuccessfully, to keep to a family devotion time. Tonight we are starting again. This time it is during the kids' bedtime routine. The plan is to read through the Lord's Prayer in Luther's Small Catechism, then read an entry in a devotional book.

In preparing for our time, I went searching for my two copies of the small catechism. On my dear friend Myrtle gave me and one I found while reorganizing the attic: a 1893 copy, used but yet still in good condition.

It is different than the current version I have. It gives more information.

I have been praying the Lord's Prayer with the kids and want them to know what it means, why they should pray it. Ellie is beginning to memorize it.

Our time tonight went mostly well. Josh and Ellie are not always the most still children, but I think something made it in their little brains.

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