Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Last night, I coughed so much my husband and I were wondering if we'd ever get to sleep. We would dose off, but then I would have a coughing spell, waking us up. I'd reposition, we'd settle in and fall asleep, then another coughing spell. This happened maybe three or four times over a 45 minute period of time. I finally tried my left side and made it through the night.

If you can believe it, I am still very stuffy and feeling poorly today, though my coughing has been better. I went back to the doctor and after waiting half an hour with a rammy 20 month old, I left armed with an antibiotic and codeine. I better be better soon.

I did it again. I came home from choir practice early. But unlike last Wednesday, I am going to bed early tonight. I think not getting enough sleep has been my downfall with this stupid cold. Did I mention my daughter is sick, now? My husband is still germ free. Is it only a matter of time for him?