Saturday, March 18, 2006

Today we told my family the good news that Ellie is going to be a big sister. I had it all planned out. The plan was to watch old family slides and movies. I made four slides to slip in with the pictures. They said "Ellie" "is going" "to be a" "big sister." I thought it quite a clever method to share the good news. But there was a hitch in the plan. No one could find the slide projector. So, I thought and thought and came up with a new plan. My cousin's six year old daughter could read the slides to everyone. That worked out well, and everyone was happy and excited. It was good to be able to surprise everyone.

I was disappointed at the reaction of my friend when I told her the good news. Maybe I caught her at a bad time, for she was sleepy, but she seemed put out that I hadn't told her that we were going through the IVF treatment. She did manage to squeak out a "congratulations." We have talked several times since then, and she hasn't asked me a single question about my pregnancy. I feel like the subject is taboo. I wanted to surprise her.

My husband and I chose to do it this way. We don't regret our decision.