Friday, February 09, 2007

I feel overwhelmed. I feel stuck. I can't seem to accomplish much in one day, but clothe, feed, change, and clean up after my children. Some people say that's OK. Raising your children is the most important thing. But it isn't the only thing I have to do in a day.

There are piles of dirty clothes surrounding my washing machine, crusty dishes abounding on my counter and in my sink, who knows what's growing in our toilets, the poor plants are wilting away, dust and cat hair swirl around on the wood floor, every surface is cluttered with papers, projects are left half done, MOPPETS paperwork is yet to be finished, Creative Memories calls are not made, my Bible sits upon my shelf, my blog remains lonely. The list goes on and on.

But God is good and continues to bless me even while my home is left unkempt. In the middle of writing this, I received a call from a friend (also a mother of two) from church and MOPS. She gave me encouragement. She made me smile.

She mentioned that she loses her joy sometimes. I thought on that and wondered if I have lost my joy. Maybe I have, but I did not realize it.

In thinking about joy, I know I saw it today in the smile of my daughter as we sat looking at ourselves in the mirror. I heard it in the giggle of my son, as I played and talked with him. I savor the feel of my daughter's arms hugging me tight, and the cuddle of my son's cheek against my own. I smile at the antics of my daughter in her animated play, and the constant pumping motion of my son's arms and legs. (If one could harness his little bouts of energy, it could probably power an appliance in my house.)

I still have joy as a mother. I just forget it sometimes and need to be reminded. I know all the other things are not as important as my children, but I do think I need to find a balance between the two.