Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I am trying to eat better now that I am pregnant. I am also trying to drink more water. I have succeeded a little. I don't like many vegetables, so it's a challenge for me to eat the suggested number of servings. I have no problem with the dairy and grains, and I am usually fine with the fruit. But the vegetables give me trouble. I guess I am going to eat a lot of carrots and green beans.

With this pregnancy, I have felt a little more sick than with my last one. It isn't often and just short periods of time. I usually feel better if I am laying down on my left side. I have also noticed that some tastes linger far too long. Another oddity is toothpaste. I had to change toothpaste. Our regular kind made me gag and I didn't even want to think about brushing my teeth. Lucky for my teeth, I found a brand with which my stomach is alright. The smell of my daughter's toothpaste has also turned my stomach a time or two.

Saltine crackers have been quite tasty for me and my upset stomach. And helpfully water is also a help. I need to drink more of it anyway.