Thursday, April 06, 2006

My husband finally didn't have to work this week. But yet, he did. Instead of trying to get a job finished, he had meetings to go to. I know he would rather be home with his family than out at meetings. He is very tired of not being home.

My husband's old and new bosses finally signed papers. My husband now has new employers. He now has a better salary. We are very relieved to have this finally happen. It was suppose to happen at the end of 2005. Than it was the end of January, than February, than March. Well, his boss finally signed last Friday. I won't miss my husband working for him.

I am still blowing my nose way too many times for being on an antibiotic. I am thankful that my throat hasn't hurt for awhile. I am thankful for the many boxes of tissues around the house. I am thankful that I can breath through one side of my nose at night.

I did go to choir tonight and stayed for the entire practice. Perhaps there is slight progress with this ridiculous cold?