Monday, April 03, 2006

I continually think of the things about my daughter I wish to write here. I continually forget to do it. Alas, I did not forget tonight.

Cute thing #1: My husband was reminding our daughter of something she was suppose to do or not do, and her reaction was to hit him, than immediately hug him. Although cute it was, she still got a timeout.

Cute thing #2: She likes to get into things. Once while I was vacuuming, I had to change the bag. I opened the vacuum, took out the bag and threw it out. When I came back to the vacuum with a fresh bag, my daughter had squeezed herself into the spot the bag sits in. I ran for the camera and captured the moment.

Cute thing #3: My daughter reacts to situations usually in one of two ways: to throw or hit. She chose throwing this time and was told to go pick up what she threw or she would get a time out. Her choice was to go sit in the time out chair.

Cute thing #4: During her bedtime routine, my husband was rocking our daughter. He told her one more song, than it was time to go to bed. Her response was to lay her head on his shoulder and put her hands over her ears. I guess if you can't hear it, the song doesn't play?

Cute thing #5: Also during bed or nap time routine, while we rock our daughter, she has a tendency to squirm. We will tell her if she doesn't hold still, she'll be put in her crib. She will continue to squirm, but as soon as we go to stand she plunks her head on our shoulder and stills herself. Sometimes this pattern repeats itself a few times, ending in a crying child in her crib by herself.

I could go on, but that would take 20 months.