Sunday, April 02, 2006

You know what's nice about having a pending sale on your house? You don't have to do any more work on it.

Today, we just relaxed. No house projects. We spent the day as a family.

We tossed around the idea of starting to empty out the attic. We tossed it maybe twice, than let it fall. We weren't motivated to do it. We do have until June. And besides, where is all that stuff going to go anyway? We certainly don't have space anywhere else. My parents offered space in their garage. But you haven't seen their garage. It needs to be cleaned out before we would put anything in.

We think we are going to hire movers to move us. It will just be easier to have men who are used to moving to get the timing right. I am still not sure how we are doing it. Both closings are on the same day.

My husband and I had an evening out. We went to a presentation of Answers in Genesis. A fellow talked about the flaws in the Big Bang Theory and how distant starlight is not a problem for a young earth.

The speaker had a PhD, but didn't look old enough to be out of college. I caught up on some sleep during his talks.

We had a good time out, while our daughter spent a fun evening with her grandmother.