Saturday, April 08, 2006

I had the scare of my life yesterday. I am 8 weeks pregnant, and yesterday I started to bleed. In my book, that means miscarriage. But thankfully, my book isn't written correctly. After I calmed down and my sobbing was minimal, I called my doctor. The nurse I spoke with (the nurses seems to know more than the doctors) said that bleeding is not abnormal in the first trimester. My only symptom was bleeding, not cramping and other things associated with miscarriage. She said to take it easy for the rest of the day. I had to wait over an hour to call my husband to tell him, because I knew I would start crying again talking about it.

I put my daughter down for her nap and laid on the couch for the afternoon. I watched a family movie, did my devotions, thought about napping but didn't. My sister came over to help out. She bought us dinner at Boston Market. It was a scrumptious meal of roasted chicken, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables (they were tolerable) and applesauce. My sister and my husband cleaned up, and I laid on the couch, watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.

Today, no bleeding. Praising God for that. My mother took my daughter shopping with her. So, I had the morning to myself. I enjoyed that also. I watched another movie. I was suppose to iron, but I have trouble motivating myself to do that. I need an intervention.