Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I did not have to go shopping today. No, I am now on the two week shopping cycle. My husband gets paid every two weeks now with his new job, so I am shopping every two weeks. I still need to buy milk and produce weekly, but that's not bad. My goal is shopping once a month for the nonperishable items, but I have to wait until we move for that, since my current house can not handle that much food storage.

I made a phone call list for today. I have three more calls to make, though the one to the movers depends on the answer from Kohls. I am trying to save on buying boxes by getting some leftovers from Kohls.

I vacuumed, dusted, and mopped today. My daughter helped me by dusting too. It was very precious. When I finished with the feather duster, I gave it to her to dust. She dusts very well. She made her way around the room dusting. In fact she even picked up a photo to dust underneath it, and I guess she felt she didn't get all the dust, so she picked it up and dusted underneath it again. She also remembered to dust the TV, which I forgot. She is a great little helper. Other household chores with which she enjoys helping is unloading the dishwasher, putting clothes in the washer (though she doesn't help as often with that, because I have to lift her up), putting clothes in the dryer, taking clothes out of the dryer, and turning the dryer on. One thing she could help with less often is unfolding the clothes I have just folded.