Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Really all natural?

The label says "all natural." Than what is that high fructose corn syrup and xanthan gum doing in there? You have to be wary about 'all natural' products, since the term 'natural' is not industry regulated, which means just about any company can stick the term on their labels regardless of whether all the ingredients are natural or not.

Check out this article.

Claire has a very good point in her comment. Try looking for local meat at Local Harvest.

I found a local farm that has eggs, chicken, pork, and beef. One stop shopping.


Claire Boyles said...

Rock on! Glad you found a place!

Becky said...

Yeah, now I just hope it's somewhat economical.

Claire Boyles said...

Well, you'll pay more than you're used to. It's expensive to raise meat ethically, and farmers need a profit like anyone else. But really, we all pay more for our store bought food than we think through farm bill subsidies and bad agricultural legislation funded with taxes, so at least you'll know you're supporting a small farm, and not that hot mess of a system. Love you guys!