Sunday, January 04, 2009

TV, Games, and Food

We are here in Alexandria, staying up late, watching much TV, eating good food, and much to Georgia's consternation, not playing many games. [My new nickname for P is Georgia. It was George, but Gary said it should be a female name so there was no mistaking my female friend for a male one.]

And we discovered the show "Living with Ed" on her very fine new LCD HDTV. She set up her handy DVR to record the show whenever it was on. We ended up with over 30 episodes because there was a marathon.

Georgia also introduced us to "Farscape." Gary didn't care for it. I'll keep watching though. We also ventured an eye toward an episode of "Stargate Atlantis." We both liked that.

We had a delightful turkey meal, pizza with the pastor, delicious gourmet great northern bean soup, and tasty nachos. AND my delectable cookies.

Georgia blessed Gary and me with sleeping in. She took charge of the children each morning and didn't send them down to us until 9:00. Ellie usually awakens by 6:00, so this was a prodigious labor of love on her part. Especially when Ellie decided to put a choke hold on Josh one morning and strip them both naked another.

She gave Josh a pocket train and Ellie a purse with makeup for Christmas. The children were not far from their gifts. They took the precious effects with them wherever they went.

And the outcome of the games Georgia and I did get to play, turned out favorably for her. She managed to beat me at Phase Ten, Triominos, and Skip-bo. Her win in Uno Splash was questionable. At least she didn't get a chance to earn back her title in Scrabble yet.

Georgia is on a campaign to return back to a more proper use of the English language. So, when you lay your eyes upon words you might not recognize, it is my effort to support her in her crusade.

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