Saturday, March 06, 2010

Thursday my dad called requesting the children sleep overnight Friday. Gary and I were quite willing to let them go and have some time to ourselves.

Friday, mom spent most of the day with us. We went to Kohls, she did some food shopping on her own, then came back to our house for lunch. The kids are always excited to see grandparents. She then took Ellie with her to one more grocery store, Josh napped and mommy had alone time. Once back, my mom baked. I filled out online applications, because I need a job (a story for another time.) I applied at Target and Whole Foods. Really hoping for the Target one. They are actually hiring right now.

We ate dinner. A scrumptious meal of chili and homemade bread. Mom still was baking. I tried valiantly to usher them all out quickly, you know, to give Josh and Ellie the most time with Mommom and Poppop. Nothing to do with date night with Gary.

We didn't do anything extra special, just watched Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. If you want our opinion the first one is a good pick, don't waste your time on the second. We got to bed late, but slept in late. We ate a leisurely breakfast of eggs, sausage and English Muffins. We discussed paint colors and other improvements for our kitchen, we did some errands, we talked Lutheranism. We ate a late lunch. We started to tap our maple tree for maple syrup when my parents brought the kids home. My dad said around 2:00, but it was after 4:00 when they got here. We didn't mind the extra two hours. We all stayed outside for a while and got some fresh air, while the kids ran around and spent some energy.

It was very nice to spend some time alone with Gary and still be at home.

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