Thursday, January 05, 2006

Laundry, laundry everywhere.

I have been doing laundry nearly everyday it seems for two weeks now. I finally, finally caught up today. Before, I'd think I'd get caught up, but no, we would go and wear more clothes again. And let me tell you, it seemed like we would wear twice as many clothes in half the time.

I am thankful however, that I didn't have to deal with many stains. We were fairly clean people these past two weeks.

Our rather clean dirty clothes aside, we were however not so lucky with our floors. Specifically, the three foot diameter circle that my daughter's highchair sits in when she eats, and the kitchen floor near the stove and sink. Actually, my daughter has been very good lately at not dropping her unwanted food on the floor. I guess my husband and I have been the messy ones.

I must vacuum and mop tomorrow. The floors are desperately calling out to be cleaned. The carpet is a breeze. Just vacuum the dark brown hue, and it's good to go. It's quite the workhorse of a carpet.

Unfortunately, the dark brown isn't so pleasing to my eyes. I much prefer a different color. If anyone wants to contribute to the replace-the-living-room-carpet fund, let me know. We are taking donations, sorry no tax deductions. We are a for-profit family.

The sheets are just as I had hoped. Warm and cozy.