Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Yesterday, I discovered that when warning labels on prescription bottles say to take the medication with copious amounts of water (copious is my word - the label actually said "plenty," but copious adds a little something,) they mean it. I neglected to adhere to that little warning, but my stomach was quite aware and rid itself of the offending intruder.

Consequently, my stomach felt poorly all day. Though, I didn't take the full dosage, but that was a different oversight on my part. I somehow missed the part where the label says to take 1 dose twice a day. I was thinking 1 dose once a day. Oops. Oopses with medication shouldn't really occur. I get an extra day now to take my medicine. AND, even if I read it correctly, after my morning experience and my still poor stomach, I am not so sure I would have attempted taking the medication again so soon.

But alas, after a meal and with a large drink, I ventured a swallow today. Nothing was forthcoming. I took my medication with no ill will on my stomach's part. But, I did not realize the twice part until it was too late to take the second dose today. I will remedy that tomorrow.