Monday, January 02, 2006

Went to bed way too late last night. Had to get up way to early this morning.

Our dinner of pork and sauerkraut and mashed potatoes was as good as I had hoped it would be. The pork was so tender a knife was not needed. The potatoes were whipped to deliciousness. And we had green beans. I only tolerate them, so I have nothing more to say about them. Oh, yes. You have to put vinegar on it all, too. Well, not the green beans. Vinegar gives it a bite. Yummy!

My daughter missed out on her first chance at the traditional German fare for New Year's Day. Oh, she had the chance. It was all there in front of her. But lately she has been usurping her independence and not eating things she likes. She usually gobbles down mashed potatoes. But not this night. No sir.
Last year table food was not part of her food palette yet.