Monday, January 02, 2006

My husband has been looking forward to his Christmas vacation for months. He was glad he could spend an entire week home with his wife and daughter. He also hoped to work on a house project that has been put on hold.

That's what he planned. But don't you know that plans always get changed?

He needed to cut molding for the bathroom ceiling. But could he find the pieces that needed cutting? No. After we looked throughout the house, they were finally found. But the opportunity for cutting them was gone. The molding did not get finished.

He wanted some quality family time. He didn't feel well on and off all week, and after acquiring a fever of 101, he slept from Thursday afternoon until late Friday morning. He felt better Saturday and even more on Sunday, with occasional bouts of felling rather ill.

It's no fun being sick for your vacation, but it's also no fun being sick and having to work.