Monday, January 09, 2006

Yesterday was spend moving furniture. We acquired some of my husband's grandfather's furniture. His apartment needed to be emptied by this weekend. So, now our already full house has some new furniture. We need to move some things around and get rid of some things.

Of course the Christmas tree is sitting in the way right now. We will be spending the week rearranging and deciding on what goes where and what goes to the thrift store.

Today was suppose to be the day we started moving and deciding. But after our daughter was down for her nap, it seemed like a good idea for us. My husband fell asleep straight away, but I lay on my side of the bed in my cozy soft warmness (flannel sheets,) reading my friend's manuscript. After cold arms and many pages later, I joined my husband in slumber.

For over two hours we napped. We both felt refreshed. We did not accomplish our task of furniture arranging, but the sleep was needed.

Our sleep had been shorten last night, due to "King Kong." The movie was apparently three hours long. I wouldn't have known that, except for the time it was when we got out. My sister treated us to a movie. "King Kong" was good. The movie was well done with effects, and Kong looked like a real gorilla. He was very lifelike, with breathing and emotions. There were times that we shrunk into our seats, for all the intensity and suspense. I felt myself having to relax after some scenes. I would see it again.

Did I say how much I enjoy my flannel sheets? I have to go slip between their cozy softness again. I think all things should be made of flannel.