Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We finally got our chest freezer. Three weeks it has taken us to get it from a friend. The rain was a big hindrance, along with having to borrow a big enough vehicle, and someone to help move it. I think my husband planned to go pick it up at least four times, but it kept raining.

Well, this morning dawned clear, my parents' van was available, and my father was a willing mover. It is finally in place in our basement. It is plugged in getting cold. I needed to clean it out before it got too cold. I missed my opportunity. I had to unplug it, let it warm up, clean it, than plug it back in. But alas, it is now freezing inside, holding some of our food. Yeah, extra food storage space. I plan on shopping for extra food this coming week.

In my new house, there is ample room for extra food storage, and I am taking full advantage of it. Soon I will have an extra refrigerator in the basement as well. Then I can stock up on milk and yogurt and other refrigerated goodies. I have extra shelves in the basement as well for dry goods. They are full. I don't have a pantry in my kitchen, but I do have a Hoosier which has become my pantry. We are vacillating back and forth about redesigning our kitchen or leaving the cabinets as they are and just replacing the countertop. There is a big price difference in the two choices. I think we are leaning to redesigning but waiting a few years to save up for it.

Back to my day . . . In the afternoon we relaxed and napped. For dinner we went to my cousin's house, were we joined my aunt, parents and sister for a picnic of sloppy joes, tuna macaroni salad, tossed salad, lima bean casserole, and corn on the cob. Yes even though we were at my cousin's house, she and her family were not present. They were up in Maine. Their dog needed some visiting, plus they have a pool, so we went there.

Of course our child ate little. She likes to make like she eats more, though, but then spits it out. She can hold quite a bit in her little cheeks. She had fun running around though, getting dirty. We ended up giving her a bath. That was a fun endeavor, creating a water mess, since she thought it a good idea to have water on the outside of the tub using a small pitcher. Two towels later she is dried and ready for bed, along with her parents.