Friday, June 03, 2005

Goodness, I am tired. But it's a good tired.

My day has gone well. I have accomplished much.

I made the needed purchases at Wal-Mart; cleaned the bathroom; vacuumed the downstairs and the bathroom; dusted some dust; filled, ran, and emptied the dishwasher; baked a cake; fed my daughter; and wrote about my day.

I feel good.

Some would wonder how I could find fulfillment in just being a wife and mother. But I would say I can find great fulfillment in following God's plan for me as a wife and mother. I enjoy making our home a place where my husband loves to be. I may not be thrilled to scrub the toilet, but I am satisfied to see it clean. Not every part of housekeeping is glamorous, but I glow and feel wonderful when my husband says the house looks great, and thanks me for all I do.

And if molding the life of another isn't the most rewarding job, I don't know what is. My daughter depends on my husband and me for everything. Because I am the one home with her most often, it is more my responsibility to teach our daughter what we want her to learn. If I think ahead to the immense task of instilling our values, morals, and beliefs in our daughter, my head spins. Can I do it? Will my daughter stray from the Truth? This is the hardest job I will ever undertake.

I am very fulfilled. My life has meaning and purpose. I have an identity. I am a wife and a mother. My family is important to me. All this is true because I am a child of God, and Jesus is my Savior. I am who I am, because I have given Christ first place in my life. I am not just a wife and a mother, I am who God wants me to be.